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AceBIT Password Depot Professional v5.0.1

Основные возможности:
• Лучшая защита ваших данных, используя двойное кодирование Rijndael 256!
• Список ваших паролей будет защищен дважды: с главным паролем и внутренним ключом
• Защита от кейлоггерства (фиксирование нажатия клавиш) – Все поля паролей будут внутренне защищены от кейлоггеров
• Password Depot не оставляет следов ваших паролей в RAM. Так что даже попытка хакера использовать ваш компьютер и попробовать просмотреть зашифрованную свалку памяти с паролями – теоретическая возможность – будет отвержена
• Защита буфера обмена - Password Depot автоматически обнаруживает любые активные программы просмотра буфера обмена и маскирует изменения набора символов;
• После предоставления авто заполнения, вся важная информация автоматически стирается из буфера обмена.
• Интегрированный генератор паролей, виртуально создает не взламываемые пароли: вместо пароля типа "sweetheart" или "John", которые легко взламываются за несколько минут, вы получите пароль типа "g/:1bmV5T$x_sb}8T4@CN?A:y:Cwe-k)mUpHiJu:0md7p@"

Password Security:
• Best protection of your data due to double encryption with Rijndael 256! Your password list is protected twice: with the master password and with an internal key.
• Protection from keylogging (intercepting of keystrokes) – All password fields are internally protected from keylogging.
• Password Depot leaves no trace of your passwords in the RAM. So even an attempt by a hacker to use your computer and try to browse the cryptic memory dumps for passwords - a theoretical option - would be defeated.
• Clipboard protection – Password Depot automatically detects any active clipboard viewers and masks its changes to the keyboard; after performing auto-complete, all sensitive data is automatically cleared from the clipboard.
• The integrated password generator creates virtually uncrackable passwords: instead of passwords like "sweetheart" or "John", which can both be cracked in a few minutes, you now use passwords like "g/:1bmV5T$x_sb}8T4@CN?A:y:Cwe-k)mUpHiJu:0md7p@

Password Management:
• Friendly and easy-to-use interface, similar to the Windows Explorer, that allows you to navigate the password lists.
• Top bar window for faster and more efficient navigation. Now available in classic design or as application desktop toolbar
• Auto-complete action that allows you to automatically complete fields on a web page with user name and password.
• Supports Firefox, Netscape, Opera and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
• Password lists on the internet: Place your encrypted password lists on the Internet and enjoy access to all of them, no matter where you are!
• Import/export of passwords from/to other password managers.
• You can open a password's website directly from the program.
• Copy password, user name or URL to clipboard or drag & drop to the target field.
• Integrated server module: Share Password Depot with several users on a local network!
• Support of USB flash drives: Keep your passwords handy all the time by storing Password Depot and your passwords on a USB flash drive.

Additional Features:
• Custom fields: Create as many fields as you like in the database. That way you can adjust Password Depot to your personal needs.
• Recognition of correct passwords: The program recognizes automatically the password that is used for a website and suggests it automatically!
• New wizards: Add web passwords using the wizards. Or install Password Depot on a USB flash drive with the help of the wizards.
• Perfect local security: you can use the lock function to restrict other user's access to your personal passwords.
• Quality inspection of your passwords: Check the quality and security of your passwords! New and intelligent algorithms check the passwords employed and alert you in case of “weak” passwords.
• Encrypt external files with Password Depot to make secret documents inacessible for unauthorized persons.
• Erase external files completely so that there are no traces left on your hard disk.
• Variables in URLs: Use variables in URLs to meet all the requirements and to automate special cases.
• Support of TANs: Support of TANs was added for customers who are using Password Depot for online banking.
• Password policies: You can define rules which all new or modified passwords have to fulfill (minimum length, types of characters contained, etc.).
• New program options: Thanks to the numerous new program options Password Depot is individually configurable.

What's new in version 5.0.1
- A list of websites which the browser add-ons ignore is now supported.
- The problem that the program was only a trial version when installed via USB installation was corrected.
- Enhanced handling of several specific web sites by the browser add-ons was implemented.
- A problem with incorrect display of icons in the synchronization dialog was fixed.
- A command for quick opening of the group containing a found password was implemented.
- A few minor inconsistencies in using read-only files were corrected.
- Improved reopening of Internet based password files was implemented.
- A problem with incorrect displaying of several fields in the Software License dialog was fixed.
- The maximum number of favorites (most often used passwords) was made customizable.
- An option for an automatic start of the program with Windows was added to the Install Wizard.
- A problem with unlocking Internet based files was fixed.
- A command for closing a locked file was added into the tray menu.
- Improved support of large fonts.
- A number of text and cosmetic issues were resolved.
- Several other minor errors were fixed.

Информация о программе
Название: AceBIT Password Depot Professiona
Версия: 5.0.1
Год выпуска: 2010
Платформа: Windows® All
Язык интерфейса: английский
Лекарство: crack
Размер: 8.2 Mb

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