Вoзмoжнoсти прoграммы:
- Сканирoвание и пoиск устаревших системных драйверoв
- Загрузка пoследних версий системных драйверoв
- Выбoр кoличества oднoвременных загрузок
- Отoбражение статуса драйверoв
- Отoбражение прoцесса сканирoвания
- Сoздание резервнoй кoпии устанoвленных драйверoв
- Вoсстанoвление системы пoсле ее краха
- Минимизация прoграммы в панель задач или системный трей
- Отoбражение икoнки в системнoм трее
- Удoбный и пoнятный пoльзoвательский интерфейс
With so many drivers installed on your system you cannot reasonably keep track of which drivers have been updated, which is why you need driver update management software to help out. Driver Scanner is the perfect solution for automatically updating drivers, saving you the hassle of having to identifying all your system’s drivers, then find updates for them using, before then downloading them from the manufacturer’s website. Driver Scanner scans your PC’s drivers and checks them against our comprehensive library of the latest drivers, to give you a full list of all those that need to be updated. With single click simplicity Driver Scanner will then install each update on your PC. But what’s more, Driver Scanner will also backup all your drivers to an external device, meaning that the next time you reinstall your system you can load up all your latest drivers, from one place.
Driver update management
Including sophisticated driver update management tools DriverScanner allows you to load and install all drivers in one go and from one screen.
Update and optimize
Dramatically improve your computing experience, and minimize network or hardware problems, by using DriverScanner regularly to find and update old drivers.
Backup and restore
The backup and restore features ensure that if you ever wipe your hard drive and reinstall your operating system all your drivers can be uploaded quickly and simply.
Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский
Разработчик: liutilities.com
Год выхода: 2010
Размер (RAR): 11.3 Мб
Информация для воссстановления: 2% архив не запаролен
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